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During the month of Ramadan, when the feelings of unity, solidarity and cooperation are felt most intensely, we continue to be good and healthy to the world by delivering your fitr donations to those in need.

Fitr charity, popularly known as fitra; It is done as a gratitude for reaching the Eid by fasting in Ramadan. The worship of Fitr helps meet the needs of those in need and is based on the principle of social solidarity.

How can you donate Fitre?

You can deliver your Fitre donations to those in need through Doctors Worldwide. The fitres donated to us are delivered to those in need both at home and abroad during the month of Ramadan.

You can make your donation online.

Can fitra be given to more than one person?

Although it is possible to give fitra to more than one person, there are certain points that the person who wants to give fitra should pay attention to. First of all, if you want to give fitra to more than one person, the fitra price you give to one person should not be lower than the fitra price determined by the Presidency of Religious Affairs. In other words, the fitra fee given should not be less than 180 TL.

When should Fitre Donation be made?

Fitre can be given at the beginning or end of Ramadan, or it can be given during Ramadan. 

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